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Items filtered by date: May 2024

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 00:00

Cracked Heels and Running

Cracked heels, a common foot ailment, can occur both before and after running, presenting discomfort and aesthetic concerns. Before running, dry skin and lack of moisture contribute to heel fissures, exacerbated by friction and pressure during physical activity. These cracks can deepen and worsen post-run due to prolonged pressure and sweat accumulation, leading to pain and potential infection. Prevention is key in addressing this issue. Regular moisturization, particularly before running, helps keep the skin supple and prevents excessive drying. Wearing properly cushioned and supportive footwear, as well as moisture-wicking socks, reduces friction and minimizes the risk of developing cracks during exercise. After running, it is important to clean and dry the feet thoroughly, applying moisturizer to soothe and hydrate the skin. Additionally, addressing any existing cracks promptly with foot creams or ointments helps expedite healing and prevents further complications. If you enjoy running and have developed cracked heels, it is suggested that you speak with a podiatrist who can offer you effective prevention and treatment techniques.

Cracked heels are unsightly and can cause further damage to your shoes and feet. If you have any concerns, contact one of our doctors from Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

Cracked heels appear unappealing and can make it harder for you walk around in sandals. Aside from looking unpleasant, cracked heels can also tear stockings, socks, and wear out your shoes. There are several methods to help restore a cracked heel and prevent further damage.

How Do You Get Them?

Dry skin is the number one culprit in creating cracked heels. Many athletes, walkers, joggers, and even swimmers suffer from cracked heels. Age and skin oil production play a role to getting cracked heels as well.

Promote Healing

Over the counter medicines can help, especially for those that need instant relief or who suffer from chronic dry feet.

Wear Socks – Wearing socks with medicated creams helps lock in moisture.

Moisturizers – Applying both day and night will help alleviate dryness which causes cracking.

Pumice Stones – These exfoliate and remove dead skin, which allows for smoother moisturizer application and better absorption into the skin. 

Change in Diet

Eating healthy with a well-balanced diet will give the skin a fresh and radiant look. Your body responds to the kinds of food you ingest. Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc supplements can also revitalize skin tissue.

Most importantly, seek professional help if unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels. A podiatrist will help you with any questions or information needed. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels

Friction blisters on the feet can transform a pleasant stroll into a painful ordeal. These irritating nuisances arise from repeated rubbing against the skin, causing it to blister and fill with fluid. Typically occurring on pressure points or where shoes constantly rub, symptoms can include discomfort, swelling, and sometimes even pain. The duration varies. While some resolve within a few days, others can linger for weeks, hindering mobility and comfort. Treating friction blisters involves cleaning the area with mild soap and water, then applying a bandage to protect the skin and promote healing. However, for persistent or severe cases, it is suggested that you seek guidance from a podiatrist who can offer tailored solutions to address your specific situation.

Blisters may appear as a single bubble or in a cluster. They can cause a lot of pain and may be filled with pus, blood, or watery serum. If your feet are hurting, contact one of our doctors of Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Foot Blisters

Foot blisters are often the result of friction. This happens due to the constant rubbing from shoes, which can lead to pain.

What Are Foot Blisters?

A foot blister is a small fluid-filled pocket that forms on the upper-most layer of the skin. Blisters are filled with clear fluid and can lead to blood drainage or pus if the area becomes infected.


(Blister symptoms may vary depending on what is causing them)

  • Bubble of skin filled with fluid
  • Redness
  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Itching

Prevention & Treatment

In order to prevent blisters, you should be sure to wear comfortable shoes with socks that cushion your feet and absorb sweat. Breaking a blister open may increase your chances of developing an infection. However, if your blister breaks, you should wash the area with soap and water immediately and then apply a bandage to the affected area. If your blisters cause severe pain it is important that you call your podiatrist right away.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Blisters on the Feet

Constant care and regular evaluation are important for a foot or ankle fracture. If left untreated, foot or ankle fractures can worsen over time and create more serious problems.

Don't wait to be examined if you believe you've experienced a foot or ankle fracture.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 00:00

A Guide to Diagnosing Gout

Gout, a form of inflammatory arthritis, can be excruciating, often affecting the big toe and ankles. Recognizing its symptoms is vital for timely management. The diagnosis begins with a keen observation of the symptoms, which are often sudden, intense joint pain, swelling, redness, and warmth, typically striking at night or in the early hours. The affected joint might feel tender to the touch, making even the lightest pressure unbearable. An accurate diagnosis often involves a comprehensive medical history review and a physical examination by a podiatrist. They may also conduct tests like joint fluid analysis to detect urate crystals, which are consistent with gout. Blood tests measuring uric acid levels can aid in confirmation, although high levels do not always guarantee a diagnosis. Imaging tests, such as X-rays, may reveal joint damage in chronic cases. If you have pain in the top of your foot, with a focus on the big toe, it is strongly suggested that you contact a podiatrist who can effectively treat gout.

Gout is a foot condition that requires certain treatment and care. If you are seeking treatment, contact one of our doctors from Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. It often develops in the foot, especially the big toe area, although it can manifest in other parts of the body as well. Gout can make walking and standing very painful and is especially common in diabetics and the obese.

People typically get gout because of a poor diet. Genetic predisposition is also a factor. The children of parents who have had gout frequently have a chance of developing it themselves.

Gout can easily be identified by redness and inflammation of the big toe and the surrounding areas of the foot. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, joint pain, and running high fevers. Sometimes corticosteroid drugs can be prescribed to treat gout, but the best way to combat this disease is to get more exercise and eat a better diet.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everything You Need to Know About Gout
Tuesday, 07 May 2024 00:00

Simple Care of Children’s Feet

Caring for children's feet is important for their overall health and well-being, as early attention can prevent future issues as they age. Simple habits like washing feet daily, tending to toenails, and keeping feet warm in appropriate footwear can promote foot health. Regularly checking for problems such as redness, rashes, marks, or unusual odors is essential for early detection and intervention if needed. A podiatrist specializes in foot care and can provide valuable assistance in monitoring and addressing any concerns that arise. From developmental issues to injuries or infections, a podiatrist offers expert diagnosis, treatment, and guidance to ensure optimal foot health for children. If you have any concerns about your child’s feet, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

The health of a child’s feet is vital to their overall well-being. If you have any questions regarding foot health, contact one of our doctors of Godoy Foot and Ankle Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Tips for Keeping Children's Feet Healthy

  • Make sure their shoes fit properly
  • Look for any signs of in-toeing or out-toeing
  • Check to see if they have Clubfoot (condition that affects your child’s foot and ankle, twisting the heel and toes inward) which is one of the most common nonmajor birth defects.
  • Lightly cover your baby’s feet (Tight covers may keep your baby from moving their feet freely, and could prevent normal development)
  • Allow your toddler to go shoeless (Shoes can be restricting for a young child’s foot)
  • Cut toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails
  • Keep your child’s foot clean and dry
  • Cover cuts and scrapes. Wash any scratches with soap and water and cover them with a bandage until they’ve healed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Wayne, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Care for Your Child's Feet
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